Saturday, July 23, 2016

Lost momentum

Sorry , the last few months have been hectic/ chaotic/ emotional
Well all of the above really.
We lost a bit of momentum as once again the chaos of the Mason Tribe took over.
We had our wee girl living with us for a while, and then she went back to her Mum.
Big lad has had some troubles, which he won't talk to us about but we know he is struggling (Man teenage years are the worst)
Mr has not been well, 4 lots of antibiotics, 2 lots of steroids and close to been admitted to hospital again (thank goodness I am a nurse otherwise he would have according to our GP)

So glad I forward planned a week of annual leave.  Was perfect timing to regroup.
I have spent this week with our lads, not doing much ( a lot of sleeping), a roadie to Wellington to the exhibitions at The War Memorial and Te Papa about the ANZAC's and WWI.  Sobering and eye opening for all of us.
Spent time with Miss 21 so fabulous she is now in a job she love love loves, her hard work has paid off (and she shouted us dinner at her new place of employment and it was delicious).
Caught up with a cousin this week, haven't seen him since I was pregnant with Miss 21, time just belts on past.  I also got to meet his lovely daughters, lets hope it isn't another 21 years before the next catchup.

So back to work on Monday.  Hopefully we will be making the big move soon into our custom built building, has been a long time coming.
Hopefully when this happens a lot of the work stress will go.  It has been a long 2 1/2 years since our merge.

Anyway I will leave you with some lovely faces

See ya Love ya Bye

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