Saturday, April 30, 2016

Cooking Snob

So last year a lovely friend of mine introduced me to the lovely Chelsea Winter Winner of Master Chef NZ 2012.
Chelsea is Amazing, so down to earth lovely to talk to in person and on facebook and has delicious recipes.
I have met her a couple of times now, at The Food Show last year in Wellington

And then at her book signing at The Warehouse in Feilding last year also

So been such a fangurl who wouldn't jump at the chance to attend this Mothers Day Dinner cooked by Chelsea  Chef Daughter Jannine is coming too, and Samantha contributed to my ticket purchase as my Birthday/ Mothers Day Pressie

Watch this space for photos

See ya Love ya Bye

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Paying it off

So in the journey to leaving home!!!!  We need to pay off debt.
This year is a slow one with only one long term debt getting paid off this year (and that has already happened)
Next year my student loan will be paid off Whoop Whoop
2018 Our car will be paid off,  the car we financed the oldest chillun into will be paid off.  The personal loan we took for goodness knows what (because we can't remember) and the loan from the bank that paid off the credit card will be paid off wahooooooooooooooooo
Then all that will be left will be the Mortgage and then some serious saving will begin.

The goal is to buy a motor home, we have a list of wants and not wants for our home with a motor and we can't wait to get saving

Anyway, that is all for now
See ya Love ya Bye

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Lets get outta here

So 2007 was the year of Mason Mumblings.
I (We) blogged and faffed on about family, friends and the world at large.
9 years on I have decided to start afresh, will probably still faff on about family, friends and the world at large but with a different perspective.
Two mini Mason's have left the nest, one of those mini Mason's has a mini of her own.
The lads are still at home.  One studying and one at high school.
We are close to the empty nest
Plan's are afoot

Not sure where this blog will take us but watch this space I guess!!!!

So for now I will leave you with some lovely faces

See ya, Love ya, Bye